Movieninja Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Watch F
Movieninja Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Watch Full Length
Director: J.J. Abrams 309080 votes Tomatometer: 7,3 of 10 actor: Daisy Ridley genre: Action
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Rey obviously is Palpatine"s fathers brothers nephews cousins former roommate.
No one"s ever really gone -Exterminate
2019: the saga ends 2022: the rise of Jar Jar. I love this movie 3000 Like if love rewatching it. I still have no idea what this trilogy is about. There are two versions of this trailer. One says THIS CHRISTMAS The other THIS DECEMBER. So my hype is back. Video is not quite the same when it"s not in a hotel room where you and your wife have two different beds. Star Wars Episode IX: Fixing Someone"s Mess. The best ending to this trilogy would be that Palpatine wins and everyone dies. The rise of Ben Skywalker maybe. Its palpatines lost fleet from the books, Im very interested with how this will work, will we see the eclipse class dreadnought finally that went missing with this fleet.
Im still a bit worried that the movie might suck even worse. I just saw a guy with a starwars shirt on and he told me to punch him in the face. He says thank you. I kinda feel saddened that the trilogy is ending so many characters fir every family member to love funny/epic moments every character has their own backstory. Mark Hamill laughing at Harrison Fords Jokes is everything. 0:50 So, Darth Sidious is living in Asgard?What a twist. You probably don"t recognize me because of the red eyes. 1:26 Bot fleets in galactic assault on Empire at war.
Video: Dew it video ends Palpatin- The senate: Roll it again. Tries to promote breaking the glass ceiling when the Supergirl film came out in 1984. There have been many other well written female lead characters too like Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley. Will we find out what did Yoda mean ? His There is another was scripted before they decided Leia is Luke"s sister.
So how much star wars movies you want LucasFilms: Yes. Dude I get chills EVERY time I see the trailer???? Im sad... Rogue one the best film i have ever seen??. The whole series has turned to total crap. Except the originals by George Lucas... I hope we get to see the ghosts of yoda, luke, anakin and obi wan at the end.
When you hear the palps laugh: You. It has begun... I saw the movie today, and I have to say, I struggled through most of it. It was a complete mess from start to finish with terrible writing, plot twists, too much dialogue and jumping from place a to place b. Just too much crammed up into one movie.
Here are a few things I found "a bit" ridiculous:
1.) Rose and Finn"s kiss in the last episode (which was cringy and unnecessary, btw) was completely ignored and they shared close to no words throughout the movie.
2.) Rey is Palpatine"s granddaughter.
3.) Poe gets a weirdly out-of-character back story and a love interest? Like, why? He didn"t need any of that.
4. Hux was a spy for the rebellion_ and got killed immediately. So much great character potential WASTED with this stupid plot twist that made zero sense.
5.) The force works in about 78 new ways apparently.
6.) Kylo and Rey"s relationship turns out to be romantic. It resembled more of a sibling kind of a thing in the previous episodes. AND THEIR KISS. I can"t even describe how I felt when I saw it, shaking my head in the movie theater.
7.) The "death star cannons" were ridiculous and how they managed to lose with a massive fleet of destroyers was just stupid.
8.) Palpatine died off easy, didn"t he? Meanwhile, Rey and Kylo just run around healing people with the force.
9.) Rey turning into a complete child and going off on solo missions 80% of the time, not caring about the others.
10.) Rey taking the Skywalker name just felt like a stab to the neck. Totally ruined the last remnants of respect for that character.
The only good thing that"s come out of this movie is the fact that the saga is finally over and the suffering can end.
Greater evil. JAR JAR Binks is ALIVE
I almost cried at C-3PO saying one last look at my friends. IT"S TREASON THEN.
- Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made